And the Oscar goes to...

What a night!! Let's quickly summarize the Oscars 2018.
Firstly, I want to congratulate everyone who won the Oscar award. I’m quite pleased with this year winners. The best result, 4 Oscars, went to “Shape Of Water”. Guillermo del Torro must be so proud of himself! Just a reminder, this movie was nominated for 13 golden statuettes! Also, it is the first sci-fi movie to win Best Motion Picture ever! It wasn’t my favourite this year though, but still, it was quite a good movie. ;)
“Dunkirk” finished with 3 awards and my number one was “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri". I’m really happy for Frances McDormand, she killed it in the movie and her Oscar was well deserved. Generally, this film received 2 statuettes, second for the actor in supporting role, Woody Harrelson. Bravo, I highly recommend it! My fave last year for sure!
Also the huge role of Garry Oldman in “Darkest Hour” brought him his first Oscar!
I’m a bit disappointed with polish entry in the competition, movie “Loving Vincent” was nominated for Best Animated Feature Film, but lost to Pixar's “Coco”. And “Coco” was so great that it is not a surprise at all! And it is Pixar’s so you know... One thing I would change is the winner of original song. It went to “Coco”, in my opinion it should go to “This is me” from “The Greatest Showman”.
My favourite actress, Jennifer Gorgeous Lawrence looked stunning in Dior dress and was a bit dizzy I would say. Love you, Jen!

One more thing... Meryl Streep didn’t get Oscar this year, but for sure she will be nominated again ;)
See the full list of nominees & winners here
Tell me what you think of the Oscars this year, do you agree with verdicts?
See you soon


  1. Reeeeeemeeeeeembeeeeer meeeee.... was the best choice and there was no other option? Have you listened to all three Polish versions? No other lyrics could have more different meanings and emotions and more Maciej Stuhr vocals in there? English-Spanish are awsome, too. But Maciej Stuhr... Stole my heart.

    1. Hah everyone has his own opinion. I'm saying mine :) Remember Me is a really good song, I just prefer the other one :)
      I have to listen to polish version then.


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