The beginning...

I'm so so happy to finally start this blog, I've been procrastinating it for years...

I want to start with a small introduction of myself. As you might already know my name is Christopher Ejsmont. I live in Lodz, Poland. I study Business Management at University of Lodz. My main passions are architecture, interior design and technology. Moreover, I’m interested in applied arts, fashion and photography. I love, like really LOVE travelling. I’m a geek, huge Apple fan <not fanboy, okay> and a coffe & cinema addict.

I want this blog to be my personal treasure chest. I'll be sharing with you my discoveries from the mentioned subjects and my life.
One thing I can already announce is the series of posts of my favourite buildings around the world. I’ll probably do similar series about architects etc. later. You can also expect the posts about my favourites fashion brands, unusual furniture or crazy tech gadgets.

I’ll try my best to post as often as possible and I hope it will be interesting to you to read. Feel free to comment and come here as often as you wish. I also invite you to follow me on my Instagram @chrisejs little self-promo haha :)



  1. Fantastic! I'll be your faithful reader! I'm looking forward to read next post!

    1. HI! Thanks so much! Next post should be ready tomorrow or on Monday ;)


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