Magical adventures in Disneyland - Paris trip part 2

Are you ready for some magic? I said in the previous part the night was long and nothing was going in our favour. First of all, we were soaked to the skin, also really tired, waiting a solid 30 minutes for a taxi, it was after midnight after all. The taxi ride was crazy, because of the traffic it took much longer than we planned. I was the only person who stayed awake and I "enjoyed" my chitchat with a driver about the competition between Taxi corporations and Uber/Lyft. After 1 am we arrived at the hotel. The check-in was terrible and the staff in this hotel was mega rude to us haha. I will not explain the details, cuz there are better things to talk about! As I said we had a really bad luck during this trip. In the morning we woke up too late... part of the group because the other part was perfectly on time waiting for us in the lobby. We were late for the bus but still managed to get to Disneyland before opening. The Entrance This picture...