
Places I've visited - Travel summary 2018

Hello!!! I’m back! Inspired by my best friend Angelika who recently has become a blogger too (blog in polish) [click to see angieanga blog :) ] , I decided to summarize last years travels.. and there were quite a few! But first, let me explain why I was missing for so long. There is one explanation - studies and more precisely my master thesis. It is done, thank you, next! I cannot believe that it is already April. I don’t understand how it happened, I think the Earth must be turning faster and days are shorter or something 😅. Jokes aside, really, is it only me or your time is also slipping through your fingers? You can let me know I’m the comments. Let's go back to 2018! What a year! This blog post is probably more personal...for me to remember all that happened. Let’s start from the beginning.  Winter I started the year from going to the Polish mountains on January 1st. As I remember there was not much snow but spending quality time with family is alw...